Friday, September 21, 2012

God's Nature

This is paraphrasing from a video I just saw:

How do you know God is the good one and the devil is the bad one?  What logic or knowledge do we use to make that assessment?

Have you ever thougth about that?

Perhaps we observe the nature of God and the devil, and see that one is good and one is bad.  Which is to say, one of them is consistent with what I think is moral and right, and the other isn’t.  If that’s the case, than we must concede that we are the authors of our own morality.  We have an inherent nature of what is good and what is bad, and we judge God and the devil based on that.

But Christians don’t think that.  They think that human morality stems from God.  Which means that we have a god who has instructed us what is good, so that we think that he is good.  If you stop and think about it…  if we really have no choice in our own definitions of what is Good and what is Bad…  if those definitions are hard-wired into us, then we’ll of course think that the creator is good.  Which is exactly what an evil creator would do, too!

What this means then is that God is the good one because he is more powerful than the Devil.  The colloquial term is "might makes right", which means the strongest being gets to make the rules.

I asked someone once what they would do if they believed that God instructed them to do something that they felt was immoral.  They just punted and said “Well, God wouldn’t do that.  It’s not in his nature.”

What is God’s nature?  How do we know it?  Can he change his nature, or is it fixed?  If he can change it, then we know nothing about his nature…  it’s arbitrary.  If it’s fixed, then where did it come from?

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